Cinnamon/Chakke(Kannada)/ Ilavangam, Lavanga pattai (Tamil)/Lavang patta(Telugu)/Dalchini, Nagkesar (buds) (Hindi)

Cinnamon is the dried bark of an evergreen busy tree. There is a particular season for pealing of the bark. It is considered superior compared to cassia though they belong to the same class.
Cinnamon is used in a wide variety of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, liquors, cosmetics, perfumery and toiletries.
A major ingredient of garam masala, Cinnamon is used whole in Savoury rice dishes. Khadi, a popular yogurt drink in Gujarat and other northern states, has Cinnamon or cassia as one of its ingredients. Cinnamon oil is an international favourite in beverages and perfumery, while Cinnamon oleoresin is a popular flavour for processed foods.
Cinnamon is also added to make sweet dishes such as kheer[payasa].
Cinnamon is used in a wide variety of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, liquors, cosmetics, perfumery and toiletries.
A major ingredient of garam masala, Cinnamon is used whole in Savoury rice dishes. Khadi, a popular yogurt drink in Gujarat and other northern states, has Cinnamon or cassia as one of its ingredients. Cinnamon oil is an international favourite in beverages and perfumery, while Cinnamon oleoresin is a popular flavour for processed foods.
Cinnamon is also added to make sweet dishes such as kheer[payasa].
Its essential to note that though it belongs to the Spice category, when added to food it gives a slight sweet taste besides adding enigmatic aroma and taste to the food,be it sweet or spicy!!
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