Monday, October 27, 2008

Pearl of the Orient- Penang!!

Life and its uncertainities take us to places that we sometimes would have never heard of. One such places in my life was Penang! The place I fell in love with ever since I first saw it from above while landing at the airport. As the wheels touched base, my heart leapt and anxiety filled my eyes! I was travelling alone and hence felt weird to be smiling to myself...but I actually was...cos every passer-by smiled back :)))) !!!

The reason behind the glee...I was going to join my husband precisely a month after wedding. A new home awaited me as I awaited a blissful new life!

Inhibitions, jitters, smiles, inexplicable joy, heebie-jeebies about what was about to happen...All alone with a man I have barely known miles away from home. A place where except for him, I practically knew no one else.

So, I finally landed and picked up my baggage and walked towards the exit! There stood my handsome 6 footer husband with tears of joy,pink with blush and the anxiety that was probably missing even during wedding!!

We were finally together! A feeling of eternal me!

On road to home...I completely fell in love with the place!!! Ah how do I comprehend the feeling I wonder!!

We entered our apartment and I took the first real look at our home and looked out of the window and felt like a dream come true!!

We dream a lot of dreams, but not many of us are fortunate enough to have them come true! The blessed that I am...I had my dream come true!



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